Why are Badgers protected

Why are Badgers protected? (Detail explanation)

Friends, today we are going to talk about such an animal, you must have heard a lot about it. Which we know as badgers but many people are asking why are badgers protected? What is the reason behind it and why are they so important for us? We are going to discuss this in today’s article.

Talking about the appearance of badgers, they are black, white and grey in appearance. They have long heads and small ears. It is found in many countries of the world, some countries of which are Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. Although they can swim in water and even climb trees, they live in burrows in the ground. And if we talk about their weight, their weight is between 12 to 15 kg and their length is 70 to 75 cm.

Why are badgers protected

Why are badgers protected because badgers prove to be useful to us in many ways and apart from this there are some cultural beliefs due to which if someone is caught killing or injuring one, it is a legal offence. Now let us tell you each point in detail.

Contribution to soil health and environment

As we have told you that badgers live in burrows and when they dig burrows, the soil gets open air and sunlight, due to which badgers help to some extent in maintaining the health of the soil. badgers spread seeds everywhere through their dung, due to which there is a possibility of new plants growing in the environment.

And besides, when badgers dig burrows for themselves, they often leave those burrows after a few days to live somewhere else. And among the burrows that the badgers left, many types of creatures that do not find their own burrows such as amphibians, invertebrates, small mammals start living in these burrows. Because of this these wild animals get habitat to live.

Cultural significance

There are mentions of badgers in European folklore and modern literature, in which badgers are depicted as wonderful and powerful animals. And in addition, badgers are also considered important directional protectors in American culture by some tribes such as the Hopi and Zuni. Which helps these tribes a lot in overcoming big enemies.

People like it

People like badgers a lot because of the intelligence and the way it behaves towards other animals which gives other animals a home to live in. Therefore, this could also be a reason due to which badgers are being protected.

Maintaining the survival of badgers

Just as every living creature has its own intrinsic value, similarly badgers should have their own intrinsic value and they too have the right to survive. That’s why badgers are being protected so that their species can continue to exist.

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We told you many reasons why are badgers protected, in which you saw how badgers’ contribution to soil health and environment proves to be useful. And how they also have cultural significance, so these are all the reasons why badgers are being protected.

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