Why are spider webs a popular Christmas decoration in Poland

Why are spider webs a popular Christmas decoration in Poland?

Friends, as you know that Christmas is about to come and only a few days are left for it. Everywhere, preparations for Christmas decoration have started a long time ago and people have started decorating the Christmas tree, but many people have a question that why are spider webs a popular Christmas decoration in Poland? What is the reason behind this or is there any story behind it, whatever it is, today in this article we are going to discuss it.


Friends, before proceeding further in the article, let us know a little about Christmas. I know that you must know about Christmas, but still let us know a little. Christmas is a religious and enthusiastic festival which is celebrated with joy and enthusiasm in almost every country in the world. If you do not know, then let us tell you that Christmas is celebrated on 25 December as the birthday of Jesus Christ. On this day, people decorate the Christmas tree in their homes with many materials and enjoy singing, dancing and receiving gifts along with spending time with each other.

Why are spider webs a popular Christmas decoration in Poland?

Now without wasting any more of your time let us come to the main topic and tell you why spider webs are a popular Christmas decoration in Poland?

Story of legend

Friends, the reason behind decorating Christmas in Poland with spider webs is the story of this legend which is an Eastern European folk tale. Now let us tell you about this true story.

This story is quite old and is believed by people to have come from Germany or Ukraine. In the story, “A poor woman lives with her children, who is also a widow. The woman used to be very honest and good-hearted. One day, a pine seed fell on the mud floor of his hut and it germinated and started growing slowly. Seeing this, the widow woman and her children become very happy and start thinking about decorating it on the day of Christmas, thinking about which they were also getting very excited. While waiting like this, one day finally the day of Christmas arrived, for which she was eagerly waiting. But as I already told you that that widow woman used to be very poor due to which she and her children are not able to buy things to decorate the Christmas tree and they go to sleep disappointed. And when she wakes up the next morning, she sees that the tree is completely covered with spider webs, which she is quite surprised to see. But when she opens the windows then when the first ray of sun falls on those webs then those spider webs turn into gold and silver. Seeing this, the widow woman and her children become very happy, after which their poverty is completely eliminated.” And after this incident people consider this as a blessing from Santa Claus and since then people use artificial spider webs to decorate the Christmas tree.

As Jewellery

And as you saw in the story, how the spider’s webs were turned into gold and silver. Because of which people also use spider’s web as ornaments on the Christmas tree and they think that it is not a spider’s web but a Christmas tree ornament.

Traditional beliefs

Decorating the Christmas tree with spider webs is now a traditional belief in Poland. Which is passed down from generation to generation, so every year Polish people use spider webs in Christmas decorations and they consider it a good sign.

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So friends, why are spider webs a popular Christmas decoration in Poland, whatever was the reason behind this, we have told you in detail. We hope that you will like this information and if you have any doubt or question in your mind, then you can comment to me.

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