why did ray lewis wear 52

Why did ray lewis wear 52 ? (Let us tell you)

Today there is hardly any football lover who does not know about Ray Lewis because a player like Ray Lewis is considered one of the greatest linebackers in NFL history. But right now a question keeps troubling people’s minds about Ray Lewis, that is why did Ray Lewis wear 52? Therefore, in today’s article we are going to tell you the reason behind this, so stay till the end of the post.

why did ray lewis wear 52

There are two main reasons behind this, due to which number 52 is seen on Ray Lewis’s jersey. Let us know about those two reasons.

Reason number- 1

There is a very interesting story behind why Ray Lewis wears number 52, which you will like very much. Ray Lewis himself once told this. He said that when he was young, his stepfather used to torture his mother a lot, which Ray Lewis did not like. And he wanted to make himself so strong that after this no one could oppress or torture his mother.

And when he was thinking of making himself stronger, 52 cards played an important role in his life. Because whenever he shuffled card and the number of cards it landed on, Ray Lewis did the same number of pushups. Due to which he saw a lot of changes in his body, hence he considers the arrival of this deck of 52 cards as a good moment in his life. That is why the number 52 became his favorite number, due to which the number 52 is seen on his jersey.

Reason number- 2

Friends, you must know that Ray Lewis is considered one of the greatest linebackers in NFL history. There are other famous players of the same linebackers whose names are Dick Butkus and Mike Singletary and the tweet in this is that Dick Butkus’s jersey number is 51 and Mike Singletary’s jersey number is 50. Due to which many people believe that Ray Lewis’s jersey number is 52 because it is a serial number according to the jersey numbers of those players.

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