Why is Kwanzaa celebrated

Why is Kwanzaa celebrated? (Know the reason behind this)

Like every year, this year too people are very excited for the celebration that honors African American culture and heritage, known as Kwanzaa. But there are still some new generation people who do not know why is Kwanzaa celebrated. That is why in today’s article we are going to tell you about this very thing and will also tell you some amazing facts related to Kwanzaa which you might not have known before.


First of all, let us tell you about Kwanzaa. Friends, Kwanzaa was started in the 1960s. It was created by Maulana Karenga, a very famous African-American professor. The festival is based on African harvest festival traditions and is celebrated from December 26 to January 1 each year. This celebration lasts for 7 days and in these 7 days a new principle is given importance every single day and the main objective of those seven principles is to make the African-American community learn to respect their culture, heritage and historical value.

Why is Kwanzaa celebrated?

Friends, let me tell you the reason behind why is Kwanzaa celebrated?

To welcome the first harvest

Friends, Kwanzaa was celebrated for the first time in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenge as a way to welcome the first harvest. And since then it is celebrated every year from 26th December to 1st January to welcome the first harvest.

Social unity

Why is Kwanzaa celebrated

As you know, Kwanzaa is celebrated for 7 days with a total of seven principles and each day is dedicated to one of those seven principles. And the principle of the first day of Kwanzaa is umoja which is considered a symbol of unity. Which gives the message of unity and cooperation among the people, due to which it inspires people to move forward together and deal with problems together.

Importance of culture and history

The celebration of Kwanzaa provides an opportunity for people in the African-American community to honor and understand their culture and history. And it also shows how we can maintain our culture.

He understands the importance of the 7 principles

Friends, the 7 principles of Kwanzaa celebration have a deep impact on the people of the African-American community. And they understand how these principles can symbolize the prosperity and unity of their community and promote their social and cultural values.

7 Principles of Kwanzaa

  1. Umoja (Unity)
  2. Kujichagulia (Self-determination)
  3. Ujima (Collective responsibility)
  4. Ujamaa (Cooperative economics)
  5. Nia (Purpose)
  6. Kuumba (Creativity)
  7. Imani (Faith)


So friends, we hope that now you know why is Kwanzaa celebrated. And if we know it in short, then its main reason is that people of African-American community celebrate Kwanzaa to welcome their first crop.

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