Why is national tax advisory services calling me

Why is national tax advisory services calling me? (let’s know)

Getting calls from National Tax Advisory Service has become a common thing in today’s time. Are you also getting a call from National Tax Advisory Services and you also want to know why is national tax advisory services calling me? So you have come to the right place because in this article we are going to discuss this very topic with you.

Why is national tax advisory services calling me

If National Tax Advisory Service is calling you then there are many reasons, now without any delay let us understand about all those reasons.

Tax eligibility check

If you are getting a call from the National Tax Advisor for the first time, he may call you to give you tax related information. In which they can ask you some questions and according to those questions, they can tell you whether you are eligible to pay tax or not and if you are eligible to pay tax, then how much tax you should pay.

Audit Notification

Sometimes national tax advisors may also call you for audit notifications. The purpose behind this is to know whether you have filed the correct amount of tax as per the transactions done in whatever business you are doing or not. In which they can check your transaction list, bank statements, business accounting and tax returns.

Tax Saving Schemes

National Tax Advisor can also call you for tax saving schemes. In this he tells you about many schemes in which if you invest, you can get some tax exemption or in some schemes it also happens that you do not have to pay tax at all. Which helps you a lot in investing in various sectors and promoting economic development.

Tax Filing Reminder

If you do not file your taxes on time, you may get a call from the National Tax Advisor. And they can inform you what is the last date to file your tax return. So that you can pay your tax on time and you do not have to pay any kind of penalty for not paying tax on time.

Refund Inquiry

Many times what happens is that you deposit more tax than required and then fill the refund form for tax refund. So to return your tax refund, National Tax Advisor can call you to get information about refund status, refund amount and many other requirements so that you can get your refund on time.

Changes in tax laws

Why is national tax advisory services calling me

National Tax Advisor can call you whenever there is a change in tax rules. And can tell you about all the changes that have taken place in the tax rules so that you do not face any problem while filing your tax return.

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why is national tax advisory services calling me There are many reasons behind this, if we know these common ones in short then they are something like Tax eligibility check, tax saving scheme, tax filling reminder, audit notification etc. Overall, if put in simple words, the purpose behind calling the National Tax Advisor is to provide solution to your tax related problems.

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