Why is Tachiyomi so slow

Why is Tachiyomi so slow? (Its 5 reason let’s know)

Nowadays Tachiyomi app has become the best for readers on which people can read many of their favourite comics. But many people have a problem and they often ask why is Tachiyomi so slow. If the same problem is happening to you then you have come to the right place because in this article we will not only tell you the reasons behind its slowing down but will also tell you how you can speed up the speed of Tachiyomi.

What is Tachiyomi

Before proceeding further in the article, let us tell you a little about Tachiyomi. Friends, Tachiyomi is a free and open source Android app in which you get many popular comics like Manga, Anime and Manhwa web comics as well as many other conversational stories to read and download.

Why is Tachiyomi so slow

Now without wasting much of your time let us come straight to the point and tell you why is Tachiyomi so slow and the reason behind it.

Saving more cache files

When you have been using Tachiyomi for a long time, its cache file gets saved so that you do not have to download it again when you open the Tachiyomi app again. But when too many cache files are stored in your phone, you may find the speed of Tachiyomi slow.

Blocked Ip address

Many times what happens is that a website or application may block IP address for a certain region in order to keep its services secure and controlled. Due to which when you access the application from the region whose IP address is blocked, you see slow speed or the app does not open at all.

Slow internet connection

Why is Tachiyomi so slow

If your internet is slow then the speed of Tachiyomi in your phone may be slow. Therefore, please check the internet speed of your phone and confirm that the slow speed of Tachiyomi is not due to your internet being slow.

Slow server response time

Sometimes it happens that when many people become active in the Tachiyomi app at the same time, there is more load on the Tachiyomi server. Due to which the server response time becomes slow and then when you open the Tachiyomi app, you see the speed slow. Although it is very rare that Tachiyomi’s server response time is slow, but if Tachiyomi’s speed is slow then this could be a reason.


Whenever the owner of any app or website feels that real users are not coming to his app or website but boat traffic is also coming, then he uses Cloudflare. And when cloudflare is used in any app or website, it checks the vote traffic and real users, the process of which takes some time. Therefore, if Tachiyomi uses cloudflare, you may see its speed slow.

So friends, these were all the reasons due to which the speed of Tachiyomi can become slow.

How to speed up Tachiyomi

Friends, by now you must have known why is Tachiyomi so slow, now you must be wondering whether there are some solutions with the help of which you can speed up its speed. So the answer is yes, there are some measures by following which you can speed up the speed of Tachiyomi. Let us know about those measures.

  • First of all, clean the cache files, which will improve your speed. To clean it, you will go to the settings inside tachiyomi app and get the option to clean the cache. By clicking on it, you can easily delete the cache.
  • You check the Tachiyomi app and see if there is any update to the Tachiyomi app. If you have to update the app, then update it because sometimes due to the app not being updated, the speed is seen to be slow.
  • Keep your internet connection fast because due to slow internet connection you may see slow speed of Tachiyomi.

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We hope that you would have understood the reason behind your question Why is Tachiyomi so slow and you would have also known how to solve this problem. And if you still have any question in your mind then you can ask me in the comment box so that I can solve that problem of yours.

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