Why not use fabric softener on polyester

Main 4 reason why not use Fabric Softener on Polyester

Nowadays, you must have noticed that it has become a common practice to use fabric softener to make clothes soft and free from static. But we have also heard from many people that why not use fabric softener on polyester, what is the reason behind this, in today’s article we are going to discuss this topic.

About Polyester

Why not use fabric softener on polyester

Polyester is a type of synthetic fabric that is commonly used in the manufacturing of a lot of clothing. This fabric is generally preferred for its high durability, durability, and environmental resistance quality. This fabric is also a bit cheaper than other fabrics and the best thing about it is that it retains its colors well and dries quickly even when soaked in water, hence it is used in making many types of clothes. Used like shirt, pant, saree etc.

Why not use fabric softener on polyester

Although fabric softener is widely used for clothes and it is also famous among the people. But let us know about the problems that can arise from using fabric softener on polyester clothes.

  • Harming polyester thread
  • Increase of static charge
  • Maintaining moisture in clothes
  • Makes clothes scratchy

Harming polyester thread

The chemicals present in fabric softener can damage polyester clothes, due to which the risk of fabric tearing or fraying threads increases, therefore, to maintain the safety and strength of polyester threads, we should not use fabric softener.

Increase of static charge

When you use fabric softener on polyester clothes, it increases the static charge of the polyester clothes, due to which the clothes can stick more to other clothes. Due to excess adhesiveness, the wearer may feel uncomfortable, hence we should not use fabric softener on polyester clothes.

Maintaining moisture in clothes

When you wash polyester clothes with fabric softener, it attracts moisture into the polyester clothes and does not allow the clothes to dry properly. Due to which one can face problems like odor coming from clothes and getting mouldy.

Makes clothes scratchy

Fabric softeners can leave a residue on polyester fabrics that leaves the fabric feeling stiff and scratchy. So it may make you feel uncomfortable when you wear it. These are some of the reasons why you should not use fabric softener on polyester fabrics.

How to protect polyester clothes?

Now you have known why fabric softener should not be used on polyester clothes, now you should also know how you can keep polyester clothes safe.

  • The first thing you should keep in mind is that while washing clothes, always use mild detergent and use normal water instead of very hot or cold water.
  • Friends, how you dry the clothes also matters a lot. You should not keep the clothes hanging in the sun for too long to dry. Always dry them in the sun for a reasonable time and after drying, remove them from the sun.
  • To store clothes, you should keep some things in mind like fold them properly and keep them in an organized form.

By keeping all these things in mind, you can not only keep polyester clothes safe but you can also keep any cloth safe.


You saw how fabric softener is not good for our polyester clothes and we also learned how we can keep our polyester clothes safe so if you liked this information then do not forget to share it.

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